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Music has the power to inspire us, connect people, and enhance our quality of life by nurturing the mind, body, and soul. One of the easiest and most accessible ways we can make music is by singing. Did you know that your voice is just as unique as a fingerprint? No two are exactly alike. In other words, your voice is your superpower!


Establishing a strong and secure vocal technique is key for anyone who uses their voice frequently—from Broadway stars who perform eight shows per week, to rock stars who need to maintain their vocal stamina against loud amps and drums, to sports broadcasters, teachers, sales associates, public speakers, receptionists, servers, athletes, and so many more—learning to use your voice more efficiently can prevent fatigue and injury while increasing stamina, range, clarity, and confidence. As a voice teacher, my goal is to help you establish a singing technique that allows you to create meaningful musical moments in the most efficient and sustainable way so you can sing your favorite musical genres for years to come.

In the studio, I aim to create a warm and inviting environment where you feel encouraged and welcome to be yourself and take creative risks; After all, the best place to make a "mistake" is in the studio where a trusted mentor can help you find a better solution! All lessons are individually tailored to make progress on your unique goals and particular needs. In my years of teaching, my students have earned and enjoyed personal successes including numerous roles in school musicals and community theatres, outstanding NYSSMA scores, placement in all-county and all-state ensembles, solos in school and all-county choir performances, rock band showcases, album releases on major streaming platforms, sports radio broadcasting, and more.

Whether you want to sing for fun, prepare for an audition, or work as a professional voice user, let's find out what your voice is capable of! Lessons begin at $45 and are available on a trial basis with no obligation to continue. Lessons will take place either in your home in the Western Suffolk County area, or virtually. Frequency of lessons is at the discretion of your schedule and budget, however most students achieve optimal results with regular weekly study.


I also teach beginning piano lessons, either traditionally or through a specialized curriculum titled Occupational Octaves, which makes piano playing universally accessible to people with or without a musical background through a user-friendly color-matching system. For more information about Occupational Octaves including pricing and registration, please visit their website here.

Here's what some of my clients have to say:

"Of the many students I have had the pleasure to teach, both publicly and privately, Erik stands out as one of my top students. He came to our summer music program as a guest artist and was paid for the event. During this time, students were taught their specific parts, harmonized, learned how to sing an effective solo, as well as specific vocal techniques for the advanced students. We are still in contact with each other, and he is not only extraordinarily talented, he is a fine human being. Mr. Rasmussen continues to perform, conduct, instruct, direct, arrange and lead rehearsals for all ages and abilities. I highly recommend Erik Rasmussen for your musical needs."

Joshua Bedell, music educator

Let's make some music together!

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